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Complaints and feedback

天美传媒app is committed to providing a positive educational experience. As part of this commitment, we welcome feedback to assist us to continuously improve the quality of teaching, administrative and support services. Your feedback may take the form of a complaint, compliment or suggestion.



To access the Complaint Form and submit your complaint, please take a moment to read the following points and check all the boxes to confirm you have read the information:

In most cases students should first attempt to resolve a matter at the local level, directly with the relevant organisational unit. If you have not attempted local resolution you may be requested to do so before your complaint will be considered.

Note: in some cases there may be timeframes in which you are required to seek local resolution, e.g. you have up to ten (10) working days after the publication of results or your assessment item being made available, to request a recheck of your mark. In exceptional circumstances the University may allow a longer period.

You should submit your complaint within a reasonable timeframe. For some academic matters such as results, assessment, and special consideration, you are expected to submit a complaint within 21 working days.

You are encouraged to be familiar with the University鈥檚 reasonableness requirements and expectations in relation to submitting complaints.

Students whose complaints involve allegations of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment or assault, are strongly advised to read the sensitive issues section of the complaints management guidelines. This is to ensure that you access the correct advice on options available to you.

Students may wish to consider contacting 天美传媒app Student Life's independent advocacy service to obtain independent, confidential advice and assistance in relation to submitting a complaint.

For a full understanding of the complaints management process, you can access the Complaints Management Guidelines.

Once you read and check the above boxes you can access the complaint form.

Please ensure you have all relevant evidence to support your complaint available to upload. Examples of relevant evidence include: evidence of your attempt at local resolution, medical certificates, letters of support and emails providing supporting evidence.


Compliments and Suggestions

Should you wish to provide the University with a compliment or suggestion, we encourage you to submit your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to provide the University with feedback.


Reviews and Appeals

If you wish to apply for a review of a University decision, you may lodge a request for a review. For further information go to the webpage.




External Interpreting and Translation Services

The TIS National is an interpreting service provided by the Australian Government for non-English speakers. The service is available 24/7 and can be used by individuals who require help in speaking with an Australian service or business by telephone.

天美传媒app University of Technology is not a registered organisation with TIS National. However, individuals can still access the service at a cost. Visit for more information.

If you require translating services, you can access a list of accredited services on via the .


Information for Staff

If you are a staff member who is seeking more information on complaints, misconduct, reviews and appeals, please refer to our intranet page.